Wellness Interactive provide organizations with onsite services including educational programming, professional consultation to improve the worksite and an innovative service called Wellness Lounge™.
The staff installs and manages Wellness Lounges, a stress-free alternative to typical break rooms in which employees can enjoy healthful foods, take classes from wellness professionals, and explore online sources and other media to support the care of their families.
Our clients see measurable savings in healthcare costs, reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, better employer retention andlong-term profitability. They also reap public relations benefits when they are perceived as being progressive in regard to wellness and sustainability,”
Our clients include
- Steve Harvey Foundation
- Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce
- Behind The Bench
- The Links, Inc.
- Ann Wigmore Institute
- Buffalo, NY Bd. Of Education (McKinley High School)
- Earl Monroe International
- Family Focus Pediatrics
- The Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey
- Horizon Meat & Seafood, Inc.
- Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral (NYC)
- Marylawn of the Oranges (High School)
- Personal Care Professionals, Inc.
- Ruby Bridges Foundation
- Releve Entertainment
- Glow Media
- Life Balance Center NY
- Breakthru Productions
- Tocolu Studios Inc.